Rebuilding America – the usual creeps just want to privatize public highways, add tolls and rip us off

Remember the promise by President Donald Trump to invest $1 trillion and create new jobs by rebuilding our infrastructure - roads, bridges and power grid? To the inexperienced this sounded like good news. Fewer potholes, less traffic jams, who could ask for anything more? But the devils wrote the details for the 2018 Budget Fact … Continue reading Rebuilding America – the usual creeps just want to privatize public highways, add tolls and rip us off

Trump keeps his enemies close, friends distant – the result confuses everyone, including his base voters

The average American could care less who is the President or which party has control of Congress, but everyone who watches the news is confused about what Donald Trump really believes. The only sure and consistent Trump initiative has been the 2018 Budget to cut taxes for big corporations - dropping their income tax support … Continue reading Trump keeps his enemies close, friends distant – the result confuses everyone, including his base voters

China steals 614 gigabytes of data from Navy contractor, while we probe Russian “collusion”

Just read another article about Russian collusion, this one on Monday in Vox about why there might, possibly, circumstantially be something dangerous or suspicious in past contacts between the Donald Trump Presidential campaign or its members or associates and anyone who ever knew or worked for Vladimir Putin. It's tiring to read the same old … Continue reading China steals 614 gigabytes of data from Navy contractor, while we probe Russian “collusion”

We use medicines made in China, marketed in U.S. If you import same drugs: $100k fine + year in jail!

A popular blood thinner now costs U.S. Medicare patients and insurers more than $5,000 a year. This drug, which has amassed sales of more than $10 billion, uses Rivaroxaban as the main ingredient - a compound available from 26 manufacturers in China. When you check prices for Rivaroxaban for sale in the U.S., the cost … Continue reading We use medicines made in China, marketed in U.S. If you import same drugs: $100k fine + year in jail!