Middle class seniors forced to pay for that 40% corporate tax cut with reductions to Medicare

Happy holidays came a few days early for big corporations and rich shareholders. Their income tax rate in 2018 will drop from 35% to 21% - exactly a 40% decrease. Next year, Medicare premiums will go from $109 to $134 per month - a 23% increase in one year. This additional deduction from Social Security … Continue reading Middle class seniors forced to pay for that 40% corporate tax cut with reductions to Medicare

China’s 626 million cameras will spy on its citizens, and use software to apprehend them in just minutes

The nation which will soon boast the largest GDP in the world - China - is using digital technology to secretly detain and imprison tens of thousands of its citizens for so-called political crimes that range from expressing "extremist" thoughts to merely traveling or studying abroad. This police state is part of a sweeping effort … Continue reading China’s 626 million cameras will spy on its citizens, and use software to apprehend them in just minutes

Ryan thinks he is John Galt – defender of the rich, enemy of the poor, not a denizen of the swamp?

Ayn Rand's novel, Atlas Shrugged, begins with a simple question: Who is John Galt? The answer comes in the last third of that 1957 book, where Galt emerges as the champion of capitalism and defender of Rand's Objectivism philosophy, which has opposed: Child and Adult Care Food Program Federal Housing Assistance Food Stamps Head Start … Continue reading Ryan thinks he is John Galt – defender of the rich, enemy of the poor, not a denizen of the swamp?

If all you want for Christmas is your two front teeth, it’s time to borrow $6,400 or pay 1/3 price in India

If our politicians ever make the effort to visit the "little people" - those neglected voters, who don't live in gated communities and suck gin in the Capitol - our selected leaders will see smiles without front teeth. And that is just the beginning of their constituents' dental problems. Some 140 million Americans have no … Continue reading If all you want for Christmas is your two front teeth, it’s time to borrow $6,400 or pay 1/3 price in India