Pegaspargase – an example of how we don’t control drug costs

Under Medicare Part B, America's seniors are entitled to drugs administered in the hospital, but they are responsible for 20% of the cost. That sounds reasonable, and Medicare officials say they carefully scrutinize drugs before approval. But I have yet to discover a list of unapproved drugs. It appears that if the FDA says it … Continue reading Pegaspargase – an example of how we don’t control drug costs

Young couple (drive two Ferraris and own a $700,000 home) charged $21 for 3-day hospital stay. Average senior pays $1,364.

The corporate exec was sincere when he explained to me why he didn't pay most of his workers a wage higher than $14.25 an hour: That rate keeps them under $30,000, and that's about the cutoff for Medicaid and many other public assistance programs for a family of three.  Without Medicaid they would have to … Continue reading Young couple (drive two Ferraris and own a $700,000 home) charged $21 for 3-day hospital stay. Average senior pays $1,364.

Army-Navy Game gesture enraged “Where’s Waldo” watchers, even though Anti Defamation League once called it a mere hoax

The Army and Navy academies are looking into whether circle-hand symbols by cadets and midshipmen at a football game on Saturday were related to hate groups. Some three "signals" were spotted. There are 4,389 Army cadets and 4,526 Navy Midshipmen. The odds any single one of them was involved is nearly one in 3,000. That's … Continue reading Army-Navy Game gesture enraged “Where’s Waldo” watchers, even though Anti Defamation League once called it a mere hoax

America gives away our jobs and factories to China with a lopsided de minimis rule promoted by global businesses

Zach Mottl, chief alignment officer of Atlas Tool Works and a past chairman of the Technology and Manufacturing Association of Illinois, is a very unhappy American. Four of his state's members of the House of Representatives are trying to block the White House effort to lower the “express shipment” measure included in the de minimis … Continue reading America gives away our jobs and factories to China with a lopsided de minimis rule promoted by global businesses

Congress forces USPS to subsidize mailers in China and gouge Americans nearly six times as much to send the same package

Billions of dollars of goods are imported from China into the United States every week, and very little is exported to that communist monolith from small businesses in our country. Most of our exports are from giants like: Boeing selling planes, Wall Street hawking financial services, or Hollywood offering pablum movies censored by the Chinese … Continue reading Congress forces USPS to subsidize mailers in China and gouge Americans nearly six times as much to send the same package