Iran signs deal to assist Russia, wants to destroy Israel, happy to take our money

Terrorist government allowed to Tweet, unlike former U.S. President

The Trilateral Commission’s darling Tony Blinken will apparently swallow anything, bow to anyone, even beg murderers in his insane quest to revive the Iran deal of 2015 that guaranteed the terrorist Mideast theocracy a path to nuclear power.

Secretary of State Blinken has already approved dropping many sanctions against Iran, and is currently working through Russia and China to sign something the Joe Biden administration can claim is good for the New World Order.

Secretary Tony Blinken

Tony’s “good deal” so far ignores that nation’s outspoken plan to destroy Israel with nuclear weapons (tweet above), and even permits a $10 billion deal between Russia and Iran to build a nuclear power complex that would generate huge amounts of uranium, a  bomb ingredient that supposedly would be sent to Russia for their use.

More a pussycat than a tiger, Tony has even allowed the Iranian negotiators to boot the U.S. out of the room where talks are held, and when decisions are made, they are forwarded to the Americans by Russian intermediaries. (These are from the same Russian government Biden wants $33 billion to destroy.)

Some might call that humiliation, but the Media has ignored our expulsion from the room after Iran said we weren’t worthy enough to negotiate in person.

Last week, Russia and Iran agreed on an extensive trade deal in addition to their nuclear power project. They have held four rounds of face-to-face talks as well as 15 virtual meetings since the second half of 2020 to discuss free trade agreements.

Some members of Congress are not happy with Blinken’s secret negotiations, and have rebuked him in writing:

With uncertainty surrounding the status of the negotiation, the American people have a right to know what their diplomats agreed to in Vienna, what alternatives your administration is considering, and how you intend to address the wider range of threats from Iran—including its increasingly dangerous missile and drone programs and taking American hostages.

The authors are especially incensed over Iran’s demands for billions of dollars in sanctions’ relief that will fund its Mideast terrorism.

The Representatives – Claudia Tenney (N.Y.), María Elvira Salazar (Fla.), Greg Steube (Fla.), Ronny Jackson (Texas), and Don Bacon (Neb.) – explained:

To date, only closed-door classified briefings have been provided to Congress. This is a start, but it is not enough. Special Envoy Robert Malley works for the American people, and he should answer to them.

On behalf of the American people, we therefore urge you to ask these senior officials to appear before a public hearing to provide crucial transparency about your plans and efforts to prevent a nuclear Iran.

While Iran continues to utilize its terrorist proxies … senior administration officials like Rob Malley are dodging questions from Congress and the American people by refusing to appear in public before the Foreign Affairs Committee.

In recent months the Biden administration stopped enforcing U.S. restrictions on billions of dollars of Iran’s oil exports. China, for example, has imported $22 billion worth of sanctioned Iranian crude oil since Biden took office.

Meanwhile, China is allowed to also continue to build out portions of Tehran’s nuclear infrastructure –  a Blinken preemptive concession to Iran to placate it into accepting a new deal.

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