Does Pentagon want gene-altering insects to spread viruses in our farms, or use them to overthrow other countries?

If the atomic bomb wasn't enough to possibly end the world, a new military-agricultural-complex program threatens to destroy humanity - not with a big bang, but with tiny bugs. The Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) began genetically modifying insects last year. The goal -  alter the bugs to carry gene-altering viruses. This was allegedly … Continue reading Does Pentagon want gene-altering insects to spread viruses in our farms, or use them to overthrow other countries?

Poison snake venom vial – $12 in India, $20,000 U.S. – and there’s even cheap vaccine for dogs, not people

Matt McMillan was bit by a copperhead snake, while he was camping in July at Fall River Lake, Kansas, and was flown to Via Christi Hospital in Wichita. He recalls “that was $47,600 for that 30-minute ride. To me that's a lot of money.” "The snake antivenom is the costly part. I guess that's $20,000 … Continue reading Poison snake venom vial – $12 in India, $20,000 U.S. – and there’s even cheap vaccine for dogs, not people

You turn 65 and then you must go into a Medicare plan, and you pay a fortune more for far fewer benefits

What a difference a year makes. You are one of the millions of Americans, who don't have company health insurance. Damned with a pre-existing condition, you carry so-called Obamacare ( Next year, you turn 65 and must enroll in Medicare. There's no good news, just bad news for you. Obamacare is a far better plan … Continue reading You turn 65 and then you must go into a Medicare plan, and you pay a fortune more for far fewer benefits

Dr. Kermit Gosnell – America’s worst serial killer exposed in a movie never released for years to hide it from you

Five years and five months ago a West Philadelphia doctor was convicted of murder, and only avoided lethal injection through a plea deal. The press ignored the case - a hot potato - because it focused on a monster, who performed hundreds of illegal late-term abortions, covered up his crimes, and also killed many living … Continue reading Dr. Kermit Gosnell – America’s worst serial killer exposed in a movie never released for years to hide it from you

Current privatized healthcare for America costs too much, plus our lifespan here is shorter than in 25 other nations

America's dirty little secret - as a nation, we pay more for healthcare and the results are far from worth it. All of the top 50 major nations have far lower per capita healthcare costs. More than half enjoy much longer life expectancy. None of them, except Switzerland, are privatized, and their per capita medical … Continue reading Current privatized healthcare for America costs too much, plus our lifespan here is shorter than in 25 other nations