States are Weakening Training Standards for Nursing Facility Aides – CMS is silent!

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has turned a blind eye to yet another corporate push to lower wages, increase profits, and in this case, endanger the elderly at the same time. During the early days of the COVID-19 wave, the feds allowed nursing homes to designate "temporary nurse aides", instead of requiring … Continue reading States are Weakening Training Standards for Nursing Facility Aides – CMS is silent!

Biden wants Medicare cut to pay for bill that benefits investors and corporations

The government has once again decided to turn on the American people. The latest is a multi-trillion dollar boondoggle - pushed behind the mask of infrastructure improvement - that will just use more of our money to add profits to investors and large companies already rolling in cash. The White House doesn't even attempt to … Continue reading Biden wants Medicare cut to pay for bill that benefits investors and corporations

House weasel Scott Peters voted for hopeless bill to cut drug prices, but was just faking it for votes

Millions of Americans have died because they couldn't afford to pay for prescription drugs that might have saved their lives, and millions more stay in horrible jobs just to hold on to company/worker sickness insurance. How the dangerous gamble to not take an expensive drug evolves: You don't have health insurance and are diagnosed with … Continue reading House weasel Scott Peters voted for hopeless bill to cut drug prices, but was just faking it for votes

Young couple (drive two Ferraris and own a $700,000 home) charged $21 for 3-day hospital stay. Average senior pays $1,364.

The corporate exec was sincere when he explained to me why he didn't pay most of his workers a wage higher than $14.25 an hour: That rate keeps them under $30,000, and that's about the cutoff for Medicaid and many other public assistance programs for a family of three.  Without Medicaid they would have to … Continue reading Young couple (drive two Ferraris and own a $700,000 home) charged $21 for 3-day hospital stay. Average senior pays $1,364.

Jeff Bezos could go on Medicaid if he played it correctly, but the average working Jill can’t

Medicaid rules changed when President Barack Obama pushed through the Affordable Car Act (ACA) and he ensured that the very rich could join low-cost Medicaid, while the working class had to pay high medical expenses, either at work with private insurance or retired under Medicare. While I'm sure Jeff Bezos would never stoop his mightiness … Continue reading Jeff Bezos could go on Medicaid if he played it correctly, but the average working Jill can’t

Is Donald Trump correct about drug companies taking advantage of the poor and defenseless?

Who would expect this from the leader of a pro-business political party: Pfizer & others should be ashamed that they have raised drug prices for no reason. They are merely taking advantage of the poor & others unable to defend themselves, while at the same time giving bargain basement prices to other countries in Europe … Continue reading Is Donald Trump correct about drug companies taking advantage of the poor and defenseless?

Should drug company execs get life in prison for their predatory pricing that endangers our lives?

Illegal drug dealers, who are designated as major suppliers, will face the electric chair or gas chamber if President Donald Trump has his way. Our sometimes alert members of Congress voice agreement, now suddenly aware that criminals who sell opioids, like heroin and oxycodone, deserve more than slap-on-wrist fines or jail time. Don't bet on … Continue reading Should drug company execs get life in prison for their predatory pricing that endangers our lives?

Ryan thinks he is John Galt – defender of the rich, enemy of the poor, not a denizen of the swamp?

Ayn Rand's novel, Atlas Shrugged, begins with a simple question: Who is John Galt? The answer comes in the last third of that 1957 book, where Galt emerges as the champion of capitalism and defender of Rand's Objectivism philosophy, which has opposed: Child and Adult Care Food Program Federal Housing Assistance Food Stamps Head Start … Continue reading Ryan thinks he is John Galt – defender of the rich, enemy of the poor, not a denizen of the swamp?