Trevor Noah – another enemy of Israel gets the late night TV spotlight despite toxic tweets against both Jews and women

Algemeiner, America’s fastest growing Jewish newspaper, according to CNBC, once said Jon “Stewart” Leibowitz  is correct on one thing: "The Jews who “helped” the Nazis did so because, in their mortal peril, they’d abandoned their moral principles for the glimmer of hope of personal survival. “Stewart” – a pampered, self-centered, deluded king of his world … Continue reading Trevor Noah – another enemy of Israel gets the late night TV spotlight despite toxic tweets against both Jews and women

1,709,900 Arab full voting citizens in Israel. Meanwhile, 12 Jews alive in Egypt, 45 in Yemen, 50 in Syria and 0 in Saudi Arabia.

While the U.S. White house is moaning about why one political party in Israel complained about "droves" of voters being driven by foreigners to polls in a "get out the vote" effort, the racist, apartheid policies of the Promised Land's neighbors go unspoken. Forgetting Gaza and the West Bank - where there have been no … Continue reading 1,709,900 Arab full voting citizens in Israel. Meanwhile, 12 Jews alive in Egypt, 45 in Yemen, 50 in Syria and 0 in Saudi Arabia.

Social Security numbers for famous and average Americans are easily available on public ancestry software program

The Social Security Administration has complained it doesn't have the software or manpower to flag all the Social Security numbers of deceased workers. However, some argue that a legal number must follow a certain pattern for the state in which it was issued, and all numbers need to agree to national numbering standards. Would such … Continue reading Social Security numbers for famous and average Americans are easily available on public ancestry software program

Netanyahu opponents in the United States interfere in Israel’s election with far left free “Haaretz” offer from New York Times

The New York Times gives away a free digital email subscription, and while many of the articles seem one-sided or just obtuse, who can refuse another free daily email? I realize that this costs the Times money, but their goal is to add paid subscribers and increase circulation. Selling newspapers is a subject I adore, … Continue reading Netanyahu opponents in the United States interfere in Israel’s election with far left free “Haaretz” offer from New York Times

Cass and Samantha – an ideology of nuptial proportion?

Today, Bibi Netanyahu hit a home run in his speech before Congress – nearly everyone was in standing ovation and some with tears streaming. Yesterday was an opportunity for the Obama administration to tell AIPAC, and the American public,  how much the administration loved Israel. On the front page of the Conference website, they emblazoned … Continue reading Cass and Samantha – an ideology of nuptial proportion?