Higher wages, more jobs not from Trump pro-business economy; instead credit goes to DOL for overtime exempt rule change

Business-beholden members of Congress are falsely boasting that their 2017 tax law has been responsible for less unemployment and slightly higher hourly wages. They praise themselves and President Donald Trump for cutting corporate rates from 35% to 21%, eliminating most taxes on dividends and capital gains, doubling the exemption for inheritance tax, and dropping the … Continue reading Higher wages, more jobs not from Trump pro-business economy; instead credit goes to DOL for overtime exempt rule change

We need a third party with no pure social issue concerns

We need a separate political party that only focuses on economic equality – no social issues, idealogy, etc. – just plain fair taxes and benefits for the middle and lower class.With just a few votes in the Senate and a couple dozen in the House, this new party would wield enough power to move both … Continue reading We need a third party with no pure social issue concerns