Hate Israel billboards “magically” appear in London subways, despite 8,500 CCTV cameras

On Monday the claims for credit were swirling as the Israeli government condemned a series of four billboards, which appeared on about 500 BDS posters on the London Underground trains. They looked like genuine ads and were allegedly pasted on tube trains by London Palestine Action as part of this year’s Israeli Apartheid Week. Yair … Continue reading Hate Israel billboards “magically” appear in London subways, despite 8,500 CCTV cameras

Primary debates hide questions on Social Security! If we knew their actual plans, nearly all would lose

Republican candidates for President have avoided using the Primary debates to explain their plans for Social Security. Exceptions include Chris Christie, who saw his ratings collapse after publicly urging that the retirement age be hiked, and Donald Trump, who said he would not cut benefits. Ben Carson has not settled yet on a stance, except … Continue reading Primary debates hide questions on Social Security! If we knew their actual plans, nearly all would lose

Sanders and Soros and Clinton – enemies of Israel?

From Feel the Bern, the above video distorts history and defames Israel Nearly everyone likes funny, warm Bernie Sanders. And once upon a time he was a Jew, working in Israel.  Now, he isn't advertising it. Instead, he portrays himself as an agnostic Jew, not practicing his religion, but apparently trying to be more popular … Continue reading Sanders and Soros and Clinton – enemies of Israel?

Koch & Iran deal – GOP candidates may be liars

John Glaser and Justin Logan, writing on the CATO Institute website have claimed that the deal with Iran to delay making atomic bombs "is an historic achievement that decreases the likelihood of an Iranian nuclear weapon and forestalls the risk of another costly U.S. war in the Middle East." The near-consensus among arms controllers is due … Continue reading Koch & Iran deal – GOP candidates may be liars