Trilateral Commission site awaits update despite including world’s top tech leaders

The elites – who determine public policy nearly everywhere in the world – have a problem.

Their website – – is waiting for some programmer, engineer or administrator to update its pages, but this seems to be taking too long. For more than a month the New World Order has slithered into internet limbo, disappointing its illustrious members, including founder Henry Kissinger – carpet-bombing advocate of obliterating Cambodia in the Vietnam war.

When my 98-year-old uncle tries to fix a website, it’s the same story – delay after delay. One reason could be that he does a great imitation of the President, but unfortunately, he’s not always kidding.

Most organizations in America have a website, and even the smallest clubs manage to get online. In many cases a volunteer uses limited knowledge and great enthusiasm to go live on the web.

My suggestion to the Trilateral guys and gals is to do the same thing.

Get a volunteer and speed up the process, so the rest of us can learn what you  are doing. Meanwhile, correct the current message and capitalize “trilateral” and “spring”, since you’re not talking about football, twisted wires or leaping.

In descending order these are the members I would ask to spend a few hours on behalf of the commission, or designate one (or more) of their employees to do the same:

  1. Ginni Rometty, Retired IBM Executive Chairman, New York. Her company is still the dominant corporate software company in the world with 353,000 employees.
  2. Doug Beck, Vice President, Apple, Inc., California. With 154,000 employees, there are plenty of helpers available, and Apple could even make the site visible on their very, very expensive smart phones.
  3. Michael Bloomberg, CEO, Bloomberg LP, New York. An easy task for “Gunless” Mike, whose company started as a data supplier for economic news, and now boasts 20,000 employees and 176 locations.
  4. Bruce Andrews, Corporate Vice President and Chief Government Affairs Officer, Intel, whose 121,000 worldwide staff make most of the advanced computer chips and processors overseas.
  5. B. Marc Allen, Chief Strategy Officer and Senior VP, Boeing, Arlington VA. The world’s largest military and civilian airplane maker boasts 141,500 employees who keep planes from crashing and could do the same for a website.
  6. David Petraeus, former Director of the CIA. He’s the man who could create a site that keeps you informed as it keeps track of everything you do.
  7. Donald Graham, former owner of the Washington Post, who sold his failing newspaper for big bucks to Jeff Bezos, demonstrating ability as a super salesman, who could easily recruit volunteers.

There are some Trilateral Members, who should absolutely not be allowed near the website. In my opinion they would find some way to get a buck out of making the site without caring about the impact on its quality.

  1. Andy Sieg, President, Merrill Lynch Wealth Management, Bank of America Corporation, New York
  2. Wayne Safro, Managing Director, Global Wealth Management, UBS, New York
  3. Mellody Hobson, Co-CEO and President, Ariel Investments, Chicago
  4. Larry Fink, Chairman and CEO, BlackRock, Inc., New York
  5. Richard Falkenrath, Chief Administrative Officer, Bridgewater Associates, Westport

If you want to play the game  “Pin The Volunteer For The Trilateral Website”, click the following link to download, and pick the members you think would do the best job. For the sake of equity don’t forget to also view the Asian and European members:

2022 Trilateral Commission Membership

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