CNN, Paul Ryan, Cato, NY Times, Paul Krugman, Heritage – one establishment voice against tariffs

Rich or poor, religious or not, every leader of every Southern state in 1860 opposed tariffs and embraced slavery. In the North, where there was no slavery, everyone favored tariffs to protect both American industry and wage earners from unfair foreign competition. Today, Paul Ryan, Cato Institute or Heritage Foundation invariably promote cutting Social Security, … Continue reading CNN, Paul Ryan, Cato, NY Times, Paul Krugman, Heritage – one establishment voice against tariffs

Fracker’s friend frets that you might retire and get your Social Security, instead of working to death

When Libertarian Gary Johnson proclaimed that Americans should not get their Social Security until age 72, he was actually condemning many to death before receiving any of their "earned benefits." That's because the average life expectancy of a Black male in the U.S. is 68 years, meaning death four years before Gary would grant retirement … Continue reading Fracker’s friend frets that you might retire and get your Social Security, instead of working to death

Heritage hates Obamacare – plans “Impoverishcare” has my email address, because I once searched for plan information on the site, and now the artificial intelligence - or just perhaps an algorithm - has decided to pester me to sign up or pay a penalty. Having fooled the system (because I can't get Obamacare since I passed my 65th birthday), I … Continue reading Heritage hates Obamacare – plans “Impoverishcare”

Medicare age hike to 68 is Heritage GOP plan

With the exceptions of Mike Huckabee and Donald Trump, all of the Republican candidates for President want to change Medicare so that it costs you much more, but guarantees profits for campaign-funding insurance companies. The details are in the Heritage Foundation plan to replace Medicare with a "premium support" plan in which you buy Medicare … Continue reading Medicare age hike to 68 is Heritage GOP plan